Irish Carlsberg Commercial: The Secret

Dec 7, 2009

Newest Irish spot for Carlsberg takes us back in 1883, when Professor Emil Chr. Hansen discovered the method of isolating pure yeast culture. The resulting yeast was called saccharoymces carslbergensis - the secret of Carlsberg’s brewing success. First to isolate pure yeast, and with a discovery that would revolutionise the brewing industry, Carlsberg didn’t keep its findings to itself but rather shared its knowledge with other master brewers. It still forms the basis of all lager brewing today!

And why give it away? Because Carlsberg knew that the original could not be beaten.

"This is an epic dramatisation of a true story, which gives consumers another reason to believe why Carlsberg is probably the best lager in the world!" – said Justine Donohoe, Carlsberg Marketing Manager.

The commercial was developed by Owens DDB advertising agency and directed by Johnny Green. It was produced by Knucklehead and post produced by Framestore. The music for the ad was specially composed by Paul Raeburn.

Via: Carlsberg Commercial: The Secret

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