Heineken Beer commercial: Boss's Daughter

Oct 1, 2010

Heineken Beer commercial, created by Euro RSCG Worldwide and titled “Boss's Daughter”.

A frightening boss walks into a business cocktail party with his "lovely" daughter (played by Alicia Rountree)
at his side. All the young men button up their suit jackets and compose themselves, but the hero makes his move as soon as the boss leaves to take a call….

What to do when you're alone with the chief's daughter in a fellowship of the company? Commercial "Boss's Daughter" shows that.

This commercial is a part of Heineken campaign "Give Yourself a Good Name", you know to do well in any situation. The background music is "Mexican Dogs" by Cold War Kids.

Also take a Behind the Scenes look at Heineken's commercial 'Boss's Daughter.'


Stella Artois Beer Commercial: Brother vs Brother - Claude Vs. Pierre

Sep 28, 2010

Stella Artois Beer commercial, titled “Claude Vs. Pierre” is a part of its campaign "She is a thing of beauty" This commercial shows the story of Claude and Pierre, two brothers who always played at a restaurant to see who is the best. And, as always, a beautiful woman in the middle of this fight. So brothers fighting over one beautiful Brigitte.

Each brother is better at various activities than the other, but both seem to be equally good at pouring Stella Artois beers. Who will she choose?

The “Claude Vs. Pierre” commercial was developed at Mother, London by creative director Gustavo Luz and produced by Academy Films/Park Pictures.

About Stella Artois Beer
Stella Artois is a 5% ABV lager originating from Leuven, Belgium, predominantly brewed in the United Kingdom. It is named Stella after the Latin word for "star".

Full credits:
Client: Stella Artois
Advertising Agency: Mother, London
Country: United Kingdom
Production Company: Academy Films/Park Pictures
Director(s): 300ml
Creative Director: Gustavo Luz
Creative: Rodrigo Saavedra
Creative: Nick Upton
Executive Producer: Mark Witlow-Williams
Executive Producer: Dinah Rodriguez
Executive Producer: Jackie Kelman Bisbee
DoP Lito: Mendes da Rocha
Agency Producer: James Lethem
Editor: Sam Rice-Edwards

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